apparently a report has said that the hot weather makes people hornier and naughtier. do you agree? if so give us some examples!!!! i.e when was the last time you had sex outdoors?
Ok I might start a bit of a debate here, but stemming from another question on whether collection 2000 is tested on animals, If you found out the make-up you use was tested on animals would it stop...
i'M BORED :o( Stuck at work all week, with boss away on business and my job officially handed over - what is a girl to do now!?! I have NO work at all....not even like i can talk to new girl because i...
At my Lodge (non-masonic, don't do all that funny handshake business) we may have to bow to the latest politically correct brigade and allow the fairer sex in. At the moment we do not even employ...
Ok, I have had a cold since about Christmas time! I had Sinusitis just before Christmas and since then I have suffered with bad sinuses all the time, a tickly cough and sometimes sore eyes! I also...
Hello! I was told at work this morning that I look a lot like Nigella Lawson and it made my morning! Who do you all look like ? And if you have seen one another - who do you think they look like ?...
Why is it that a homosexual can call a gay man a f@g or a queen or a lesbian a dike and its ok. Buti f a heterosexual was to use theose same phrases theyd be labeled homophobic?Why can a woman call...
campings back on !! i no heeehee i change my mind alot, im only sleeping there for one night but staying for two days im not taking alot, what are the main things il need? xx
Mental hospital admissions due to cannabis use have increased by 85% under Labour. Over the last five years there has been a 65% rise and this is said to only be the tip of the iceberg. Cannabis is...
Why does sex hurt so much? It feels like I have a knife being twisted inside me and that's before it's even started to move! This was only my second time so will the pain go? All my other friends say...
If you could do each of the above to one ABer who would it be? Mine would be Shoot - alfayeds-spy at the moment. Shag - probably legend or pa_____ul - dunno why, just think they'd be goers Marry -...
I just dropped something and it fell under my desk, so I had to crawl down there to retrieve it. During my search, I managed to find 2 raisins, a paperclip, the front page of a PowerPoint...
My friend is recovering from an eye op' and has to lay down facing the floor for 6 hours a day ! Can you please post some SHORT jokes for me to text him to keep his pecker up. TIA.
a friend of mine said he had a dream alst night and was talking to a group of pomegranates on a sofa. they had an argument and it got quite heated when he said they looked more like onions - can...
Do the drug user's that use this site work, drive, have children? And please tell me if i've touched a raw nerve with some of you or you think i'm just being intrusive of your personel life.
every so often i get intense muscle cramps. usually the back of my lower leg, sometimes a foot. it feels like someone has gripped both ends of the muscle and is stretching it. it lasts abut ten...
What are you going to do that's environmentally friendly? In order to save a little bit of energy, I'm going to stop washing my clothes. Seriously though, I am recycling all my paper at work and I'm...