Nigel Farage reckons that Boris Johnson was the beginning and the end of the Tory Party Downfall. I agree with Farage and I hope the Tories bring Johnson back into their party.😎
racists determined to use the southport attacks to justify violence against muslims or migrants have now turned out in Hartlepool and Westminster... one video shows Hartlepool rioters attacking an... ...
What is this world coming to when rioters storm the town of Southport after all that has occurred ?? Many police officers and police dogs injured from flying bricks. I really can't comprehend what... ... Once our Queen died I have little time for the royal family. Charles is a wimp and... ...
Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why... ...
PMQT needs passion, fire, blood and guts. What did the PM and the leader of the opposition think they were doing? Civility has its place but surely not in the bearpit that is question time.
Palma on Sunday. //Lyrics rang out: “There will be no more regattas, tomorrow is the last cruise. Goodbye rental cars, goodbye rat businesses. The protesters also spoke of ploughing up... ...
I hope that he takes this as a sign that he needs to consider stepping down from his job as President. ... If anything we should be reversing the devolution disaster not adding to it. There's going... ...
Do you think that woman who had an epilectic fit and crashed her car and killed two children should be punished? Do you think that Saul (Paul) should be punished for establishing christianity?
If Joe doesn't step down & allow another Democratic candidate to take his place he will lose to Trump & be ousted anyway. If he can't accept that then he is truly demented. They would have a chance... ...
A friend of my mum's asked my mum why I'm not married yet. I'm 53 and still not married 🤔. I was brought up in church since I was 7 and I'm the only one of the church's 'children' not to have... ...
Did anyone watch this? I was looking forward to it, thought Hugh Bonneville would be good. I was irritated by the character of his agent and then when it got to that PA woman who wouldn't speak... ...
A Bombshell new poll amongst 20,000 voters. Shows that the Tories will not be humbled onto the opposition benches after all ..which was their biggest fear!. They will be huddled in the corner... ...