On a recent visit to England and my home town of Littlehampton {L/'A} I noticed that most people there were White. Shouldn't the Authorities do something about this ? I suggest a large Mosque building...
A Scottish Parliament was created by a referendum in which only a small proportion of the electorate bothered to vote, likewise a Welsh Parliament. We have elected MPs sitting in Westminster from...
Has there ever been a war where God hasn't been on side? I don't mean where God just wasn't mentioned, I mean where a side actively acknowledged God wasn't on their side because he was cheering for...
Well New Labour of course, step up Darling! I suppose we should be delighted, immitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery! Has there ever been a more blatant ideas robbery?
Compared to other people in history, there is a wealth of documents to support the existence of Jesus, and His ministry on Earth, yet critics pour scorn on His very existence, but have no trouble...
Me and my wife are expecting our first at the end of Nov. Really excited and we both cant wait. Just wanted some feedback from people that have been through it - for the last 2 yrs, twice a week (1.5...
I am confused. A girl goes on a date wearing perfume. A man goes out on the pull wearing aftershave carrying a packet of three. What does a gay man do. Empty bowels in case he pulls. Just curious.
Hi My sons birthday is 5 weeks before xmas, I have bought him a Nintendo DS. My boyfriend asked my what my budget for his birthday was and I said ?150. I also want to take my son with 3 friends...
Dear Father Bill, I just want to say that I find your answer perhaps the most well written and thoughtful responses I have ever witnessed on here. I do not know if you were somebody else on here...
BBC 6 Music listeners have voted Ebony and Ivory as the worst duet ever. Other contenders included; You're The One That I Want by Arthur Mullard and Hilary Baker, Dancing in the Street by Mick Jagger...
Having recently visited a very large shopping centre with my 4 month old son i took him to the designated changing/feeding areas to change and feed him. once i had changed what had to be the dirtiest...
be in a zoo or a freak show. How on earth can he make money by being the oddest person on the planet. Maybe the wooftas are right, move over. Or is that turn over?