Tiny Muskens, a Dutch Catholic Bishop has recently stated that Catholic churches in the Netherlands should start using the name Allah for God to ease tensions between Muslims and Christians. He stated...
Hi All, Do you think there are differences between the North and South then? If you do think there are differences, what do you like about those differences? Does anyone take the stereotypes that we...
Do the BNP stand any chance of getting some mps elected? I think if they get just one mp then people will start to realise they are not like the image they are given by the papers
my b/f and I have lived together for 4 months now, he constantly is out at the pub and I am constantly sat at home looking at the 4 walls, he never bothers to ask me do I fancy going out anywhere or...
i had 2 tablets of alka seltzer at 7.15am this morning, how long do i have to wait before i can have 2 paracetemol? it was my birthday yesterday and im suffering at work!
So a chief constable has said her force needs more staff and resources to cope with the pressures caused by a sudden influx of migrant workers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7001768.stm Article says:...
Why do I seem to be the only one who is very, very fed up with this country being used as a dumping ground. I am patriotic to this country, but in recent months, my estimations have declined. It...
Just wondered what people's opinions on this were, everyone knows that the followers of the abrahamic religions have the belief in the devil, sin, the fall etc, but what do others believe e.g. Pagans,...
Since Cannabis was reclassified in 2004 there has been a overall decline in its use. However, there has been a marked increase in its use by one group, - young criminals. Now Fifty out of the 51 youth...
do you think that boot camps or summer schools are the answer? perhaps some community based idea? helping the community instead of makin a mess of it and frightening its members. ive just had a crazy...
I adored the time travellers wife and I'm SICK of reading trashy chick lit. I like something unusual and really enjoyed re-reading farenheit 451 and catch 22 recently. What do you recomend?
Today it has been announced that 16 year olds can take part in a form of military service for a period of 6 weeks. Do you agree with this and should it be compulsory?...
What would be your idea of an ideal society? I realise of course that we can probably never have a perfect world and anyway one person's idea of an ideal society will be different from another. But...
yesterday i went to heaton park with my friend and her two year old little girl, wewere sat on the grass when an oldish guy takes a picture i thought he took it over us but he then moved forward and...
had a failed buisness and owe a lot of money,can i change my name move in with some1 and be rid of my debts ,or will my debts follow me 2 this new address.?
There have been calls to expand the DNA database to include everyone in the UK, not just criminals. There are already 4 million people's data in it, making it the largest in the world. How do you feel...
Can anyone remember the game after which newcastle fans made human chains to get down the central motorway in order to get at the opposition coaches (I think it was a London team probably Chelsea and...
Can anyone remember the game after which newcastle fans made human chains to get down the central motorway in order to get at the opposition coaches (I think it was a London team probably Chelsea and...
Do you think this is a case of the Mercury organisation distancing themselves from Ms Winehouse due to her recent publicity, or did The Klaxons really deserve to win ?