I'm doing my best [nagged by Mrs p.] to increase my intake of water, it's supposed to be a minimum of 2 Litres a day - I'm told. Does it have to be just water? - it gets so boring! Does tea or Coffee...
Further to my Q on the Home & Garden bit [cat scarers] before rehanging the box, it it best to clear the old nesting material out, any recommends for painting, is it best to leave it until the end of...
We've had a bird box up in our garden for the last four years. The blue t*ts checked it out last year but din't use it. This year they nested in it and raised a family. A neighbours kitten did a bit...
My parents' bathroom had a grotty strip of right angle plastic covering the internal corner [going up the wall]. On removing it, there's a gap of about an 1?' [top] - no tiles - on both walls...
My shoulder is forever dislocating, it got so bad that about 15 years ago I had a op on it [putti platt] to give it more stability. It's started to play up again recently. Any ideas how i can...
Whats your most irritating advert? ranking in mine would be the ones for that steam cleaner with the dubbing out of sync, like the ones for the weel known trainer insole liner; the jowly bloke...
Anyone know where I can buy a flame gun [for killing weeds off] that runs off a refillable gas canister [like those you hire?] The ones in garden centres tend to be those throaway gas bottles
Help !! any parents out there got any ideas how to get my kids to do their homework? We've tried all the usual things, working at the table with them, tv off [or on] music & radio likewise. The very...
Being a south london lad, we always pronounced Samuel Pepys' surname as 'Peppies' my wife insists its Peeps. We had Pepys Road, Park & even Pepys House @ my school. Who's right - or do I need to get...
Our garden is becoming overrun with wild onions [or could be wild garlic] We've tried digging them up but the bulbs are so small it seems to encourage them to spread more. Can't use weedkiller [have a...
My all time favourite [after f*** u and the horse ...] Has got to be The higher the monkey climbs the tree the more he shows his a**e [as in some people the higher promoted they are make a div out of...
When did the words used to go on the back of envelopes with love letters in come from like? Swalk, Burma, holland and why when you're dumped in a letter is it called a Dear John?
If you photocopy something then put it in one of those plastic wallets, over time the printing/pictures stick to the plastic. Short of laminating everything is there a way of actually 'fixing' the...
My wife, who is from Kent, is always coming out with sayings I've never heard of. Her latest was while giving daughter a ticking off for dolloping on the sofa in front of the TV. 'You're sitting there...