Since the Government came to power there has been a huge decrease in the number of people deported compared to the previous Labour Government. I must...
Seeing as the Government is switching off the analogue signal in a few years time - allegedly - how difficult/easy will it be to convert my current radio to receive DAB signal? I reckon there wuill be...
It looks like my husband is facing redundancy, he has worked as a plumber for same company for 3.5 years but has no contract. He works a 40hr week. Since christmas work has gone down hill, and he has...
"Does Theresa May know what day it is?" That's today's headline over the Times Online's article about the latest Abu Q farce. (I've decided to call him A Book At Bedtime from now on.) Well,...
Is it difficult to repair a venetion window blind (one of a set) where the lifting string has frayed and needs replacing. Shops are only willing to sell you a new one but can be costly.
I have totally forgot to book my MOT...its six weeks over due...i have only noticed because we are off on holiday tomorrow and went to get car details...its a second hand car that came with car tax...
Evening all, Can anyone tell me what law is in place to prevent someone erecting a boundary fence higher than 6 foot. If both parties agree to a 10 foot fence can the local council prevent the fence...
Why is it that when I park in an empty car park, I always return to find that the only other car that's arrived since is park RIGHT NEXT TO ME, surrounded by an empty car park ...... why?? Do people...
/// 166,000 MIGRANTS GET JOBS AS 166,000 BRITONS PUT ON DOLE /// While giving us the good news that unemployment overall fell by 35,000 in the three...
Our government keeps insisting that we must abide by the court of law but behind their backs we are told the secret services have been involved in torture and now secret renditions. Do you have the... Why did we hear very little about India's long range nuclear missile test, yet when North Korea recently tested such a weapon there was huge indignation...
// Labour has opened its largest lead since the general election as it reaches double figures ahead of the Conservatives. A poll has found that if there was a general election tomorrow 32 per cent of...
Tonight at 9pm on BBC Channel 3 a 21 year old guy says that after having a stroke he woke up to find his sexuality had changed. Before the stroke he was an avid rugby playing hetrosexual but that...
"attacks were preemptive to protect Norway. I acted to defend my country and my people. I ask that I be acquitted."
Is he mad or is he sane with very far fetching beliefs?...