does anyone have the motorola razr phone? what do you think of it? does it have a loud ringer ? does the speakerphone part work well? does it vibrate and ring at the same time? I was thinkin of gettin...
what is the name of this oldies song ? its from a male group and it goes " oh ooh oh ooh oh oh oh, oh ooh oh ooh oh oh oh." then the same line is hummed" hmm mm mm m m m m hmm mm m m m m hm hm." sorry...
Have i missed something? I dont see the option to change user names anymore. Was this a solution to the problem with people changing and closely duplicating other user names?
Dear ab ers This is by far the most serious post I have ever or ever will write. I also see the important notice above but I really need help. I have a serious...
Does anyone know if its harmful to cat to let them eat flies? my cat loves to chase them down and eat them. If its no harm I cant deny him the thrill of victory.
ED, are we allowed to post business phone numbers? there is a post in internet and technology where i would like to give the phone number for microsoft support.
editor, This has been asked before and i still see no logical explanation for it. Now why do the posts that break NONE of the rules get banned? I posted a question to...
I've used google but cannot seem to be able to find a song i am looking for. its been 5 years since ive heard it and i only know the first line and one line in the middle but not the title or artist....