Clue 40 is - 'meat belonging to first lady' Clue 18 is - 'Don't allow the funeral' Clue 16 is - 'Russian old testament book' Clue 7 is - 'Get money for church'
Can anyone help with either the book title or author? The book title's initials are TGS and the author's initials are RG. Either the book title or the author's name contains the name of a FRUIT.
Please may I have some help with - 20d Jack the Ripper managed to do absolutely anything (3,4,4,6) 36d The nation number fifty further separating partners (11) With very man y thanks for your help.
help please 1d struggled,again losing millios-it's a racket! 10 ends in e 17a heard certain support 5 starts s 14a oil splashed in bed?calm down! 4,2 ????/I? 13d no sun acceptable inside recesses 5...