My grandson has had a couple of bad bouts of chapped lips over the summer, and I've picked him up from school tonight and he has a very bright red ring around his mouth again, he's been using a chap...
What is out there to help a young male adult who is depressed with very low self esteem. Counsellors have been tried, but it has to be something that he would be drawn to and happy to go to - just...
I was wondering if there was a young man/woman out there willing to step up to the breach? Someone willing to take a bullet for the team. There seems to be many older ladies/gents that haven't had...
I predict a riot!!!! Wasn't here when ummm apparently had something removed and I did have my doubts if that was really NoKn, he tells it like it is, maybe a perm-a-ban troll crept under the door?...