Hi, Stuck on 6d - Scottish word for the angler-fish (4,3) W??? G?B ... Wide Gob? Is 10a Decko or Decco, Collins lists Dekko only? 14a - ISOMERE? Thanks, ADE.,
Not on form today ;-) 1a Pair of scissors or pincers (6) F?R?E? Forcep? 6d Golden-breasted trumpeter (5) a???i 11a Person from Baku eg. (5) ??E?? 8d A Fury in Greek mythology (6) E???Y? Erinye?...
I have Betjeman as the poet, but what about the nature reserve? It seems it could be Brownsea Island, but that's only 500 acres, not 1544. Confused! Cheers ...