If a dead man has an estate of £1m and leaves half to battersea dogs home - a charity - and the other half to Miss Lulubella Whiplash, what is the tax calculation ? Lulubell is a tax payer by...
Hillerman, the Times and Telegraph tell me is now a dead white author. which is his best novel in the Navajo series I dont want to read them all thanks
Do the records of work houses still exist and are they on the internet please two relations have died in workhouses and I wondered if there were any contemporaneous records I could access ? thanks PP
yes Boys and Gurlz usually it is a question of: I am not insured - will I have to pay. But listen to this question If a house is owned jointly by A and B who are not otherwise related ie not man and...
Does anyone have a URL for a simple linguistic problem - which is a list of the 200 commonest used English words and for that matter the commonest 1000 words ? Thanks PP
Can someone help me this is driving me CRAZY 1790 - 1810 The area from Portland St down to Medlock was developed. From Granby Row, now part of UMIST site it went Acton Street Pump Street - parallet to...
Please help..... how did the nurse find out it was her son ? The nurse's angelic looking kid has been going off the rails and they are replaying the bit where he torches the flat and then latterly...
Hello ABers Does anyone know the name of a play -eighteenth century I think It involves a young man (heir) has gambled away his fortune and is left only with the family portraits and unknown to him...
The Brum production of Coppelia ended happily Does my memory fail me ? I thought it ended unhappily with the broken hearted Coppelius carting off the broken doll ? Are Brummies soft hearted or do I...
A friend said there was a trailer for a programme where punters were invited to video themselves holding forth on their favourite art historical objaaaay and then send it in ! Does anyone know the...
Do the words Tarmy, Tarmy can you hear me ? Tarmy ! Tarmy ! occur any where ? [and if so where] It was on the Teevee a few days ago and I have stuck through the whole two or three hours - well it...
Does anyone know of an estimate of how many Irish crossed the border from the South and joined up in British forces in WW2 ? A young Irish colleen said virtually no-one and clearly didnt like the idea...
There was some doubt about how tri-remes were manned,and how the oars were banked and there is a naughty joke in Aristophanes - oh dont put me in the lower bank or else i will get.....upon......which...
Does anyone have any idea of the location/URL of a space explaining how to derive this law/expresison of the force between two current carrying parallel wires. yeah I know integral calculus is...
Hi ABers Marriage used to be more tax advantageous in some months and less in others. Which is the best month to get married from HMIT's point of view and why. or doesnt it matter now that everyone is...
The platinum blonde police woman in cold case looks as though she is gonna become one herself.... She looks terrible - - [minging, as one of the girls put it altho' I am not sure if I would use it] Is...
in lock stock and two smoking barrels, near the end of the film, there is a scene in a pub where one of them throws a forward sommersault.
is the person just a walk on or is it Jason Statham?
a few lines of his elegiacs were found a few years ago on a papyrus, and turned out to the oldest written Latin ever ! He was forced to commit suicide soon after the Battle of Actium (yup I am talking...