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My husband is desperate for the new Brett 'The Hitman' Hart autobiography. There seem to be copies avaliable on Ebay from America & Canada, but can anyone tell me when it's UK release date is as ive...
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Does anyone know when the 3 for 2 offers come in on xmas toys & gifts in woolworths & boots? i know it's only october but have a big family & like to be prepared!
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I love playing bingo online (don't worry im very sensible!)but am getting a bit fed up with Gala, i do play on the Sun now n again n do enkoy that one, but was wondering if anyone can reccommend any...
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I've been trying to get through to Virgin Media on the phone to cancel my phone-TV-broadband package & it is impossible to get through. I actually timed myself today & was on hold for 26 minutes...
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I'm bloody fed up with Virgin TV, we've had endless problems since it became Virgin and i've seen lots of ads for good priced packages with Sky, but a friend has warned me that Sky consistently rise...
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Has anyone else had a go on the Euromillions? Just wondering what every1 would do with ?88 million if they won it. It seems like a ridiculous amount of money n i would have absolutley no idea where to...
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So sorry to be a pain in the a r s e, but missed it again 2nite can someone just confirm if we know who is stalking Ian for definate n if it is Stephen. Sorry if someones already asked this!
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Does anyone know when the next series of Shameless going to be aired? Or does anyone know whats going to happen in it? All i've heard is that it's moved to a new location and Frank is going to become...
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I've read both the jigsaw man & picking up the peices by Paul Britton and loved them both. As im studying pasychology & criminology at uni, i found them fascinating. Can any1 recommend any other books...
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What happened do we know whos stalking Ian? Hubby watched it n said he thought Ian say someones name at end but he didnt hear it!
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this saying that used to have me stitches when i was younger. my gran always said it when it was looking like rain, can any1 tell me where it comes from?
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ive just been given a lovely dining set and it has 4 black leather chairs with it, unfortunatley they have smears of blue emulsion paint on them, can any1 suggest a safe way to clean it off without...
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hi i just got my results of an essay back from my 1st year at uni and i can't find my marking criteria so i think i got a first but not sure, does anyone know the criteria or if it is different...
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ive heard the BBC2 series Heoroes is excellent but never got chance to watch it they are showing the series back to back from beginning on BBC2 2nite, is it worth watching any1??
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ok sorry if youve already read this i already posted it on film by accident! i watched an episode of house on hallmark the other night i think it was series 2. it was about the young girl who was...
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hi i just watched an episode of house the other night on hallmark i think it was series 2, where the young girl has all the old persons problems she has a stroke in it and her brother kept having nose...
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Hi i have a 16 week old kitten that was bought as i gift for me, he doesn't go outside yet and hasn't had any vaccinations. i cant afford to get them done until the beginning of October, does anyone...
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did they ever find their way home?
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any which way but loose..... does any1 know how many films there were in this?
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i've just watched Oldboy n thought it was fab n i think it's with Tartan Asia films. i also watched one called battle royale 2 n it had just about the right amount of blood, guts n disturbing scenes i...

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