Reading another post, just made me think about this. I went a bit mad during the summer and bought LOADS of palms for the garden. Most of them are in pots, a couple in the ground. Just wondering,...
Update on the body in the suitcase...........examination confirms that it is a badly decomposed body of a girl aged 4 years old.......................................... ..????? Will keep you...
I don't usually use Asda but I decided to give them a try for my monthly grocery order and have it delivered. It was delivered 2½ hours late at 10.30pm instead of between the 6 and 8 pm slot....
Even when you both treating each other as equals surely one is more slightly dominant? Are you a dominant person in one aspect of your life and submissive in a relationship or vice versa? Does being...
What are your thoughts on fur? I went out for lunch yesterday and, due to it being SO cold, decided to wear my fur. When I was in the bathroom, a lady complimented me on it and asked which shop I'd...
is he Pakistani or Indian and did they show his house and family in the show, at the time the contestants introduce their families? im just curious, as i feel i know him from somewhere or his family!...
Ross, who said that he “couldn’t wait” to leave the BBC
Soon changed his mind...
all drawer fronts/doors in my kitchen and have a new wooden/laminate floor. Can i buy the doors and if so where from? (at a good reasonable price) or should i get those type of companies to come and...
Have a minor dilemma. B/F is out in Oxford with a friend and I am supposed to be picking him up from the bus stop when he comes back. Problem is this could be a good couple of hours yet and I'm...
I'm a Paramedic who was bought up Catholic, but no longer follows any God. The reason for my question is that I recently had a few classroom days with a Mental Health Professional and he stated that...
Now excuse my ignorance as I'm a city boy, but just n ow looking at the C4 horseracing where they are being ridden to within an inch of their lives whilst having their rear beaten/smacked with a stick...