A friend in work has 2 kids with a child-minder during the week, she pays the child-minder about 100 quid per child per week, she is allowed 2 weeks holiday per year where she doesn't have to pay the...
We have a three month old daughter - she likes to sit up straight and not lean back when she is sitting - we are thinking of buying her a booster seat but were wondering if a high chair would be a...
There are plans to teach children, amongst other options, Urdu. Sorry but too many people coming to this country speak Urdu and nothing else, to our great expense. There is no social, and certainly no...
my world has just fallen in on me ,my darling mams chemo has not worked and now the dirty fithy cancer is on her spine. They told her half way through that the tumour had shrunk but admitted today...
I met my biological father for the 'first' time last November. He had been dry for 4 years, and we were looking forward to celebrating his 5th drink-free year. He was supposed to be visiting...
Ken Livingstone is planning on spending ?100 million of rate payers money on a mega mosque in London that will be bigger than St Paul's cathedral. I have no objections to mosques at all but I do think...
What sort of treachery is this ? A smooth silky sounding voice, hacking away at the establishment that PAID him, supported him, and put him where he was. I cannot stand people who try to make money...
Does anyone else agree with me that the 2 women with the nicest, loveliest, most natural smiles are Linda Lusardi and Gaynor Faye? When either of them smile it really does light up my day.
the property next door is a disgrace.thegrass on the front lawn is at least 9-10 inches long ,i have spoken to the letting agent but the reply "they are paying the rent". can anyone...
After reading Skreeches coke float thing. It got me thinking I haven't had one since I was a kid. We used to go to Morellis and have one every Saturday but then Maccy Ds came along and shut them down...
watched a holiday programme last week were the couple were obsessed by egypt, went every year into the 'real' egypt and were really snobby about 'doing it properly.. however they clearly have never...
Tory's idea of a tax incentive of ?20.00 a week. My colleagues I spoke to today about this didn't think it would make any difference to them in making decisions about being a working parent or...
want to pre-order the latest nike trainers 4 my son who will be one soon (these are 4 a walking baby) pram shoes are aged i.e 3-6 months etc but walking shoes are in sizes what size do you get 4 a...
this is related to a post elsewhere online. it made me trhink though. youre in a relationship and everything is fine . you might have kids you might not. but suddenly the relationship breaks down. why...
I missed the outcome of this ~ were the housemates told what it was they ate, what was it that they ate...and did they win any extra booze? I was amazed at the fact that Charley & Brian didn't know...