no idea if these are for real but..... In London, Hackney taxis must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats. It is illegal to be drunk in a pub or club, or any other licensed premises. Oddly, it is... The artist says "I want to shock", has he succeeded? Should this 'art work' be removed from display? Could it be just as upsetting as those 'Allah cartoons'? Do...
Now I don't know if this is true or not, which is why I'm asking, with such a wide readership on here, I would imagine someone might know. I got this on an email, and thought it wothwhile asking....
following on from me just posting in the phobia thread saying i have a phobia about stitches.... i am heavily tattooed.... ive sat for sometimes 5 hours with just the odd cig break, i have tattoos in... I had to think twice before I posted this disgustingly shocking news report. Why is it once again, that groups of either Asians or blacks are involved in such cases as this...
Whether you like them or not I have recently had a tattoo of a dove with an olive branch tattooed on my back and want some script to go with it. I know a lot of people may answer this with 'how about...
OK, so we know Corby and Wellingborough are sh1t holes but what about where the rest of you live? Do you like it? I live in a village on the edge of Oxfordshire which is alright. Could be worse. Two...
Whether you like them or not I have recently had a tattoo of a dove with an olive branch tattooed on my back and want some script to go with it. I know a lot of people may answer this with 'how about...