8d mass with radiation sheilding erected in loose coat. I cocked up here and put 'Simar' instead of 'Symar' both mean Cymar = loose coat but even now I don't get the word play in the clue - please...
41a Opera song rasped by criminal. (5, 3,4) I have Porgy and Bess. But, apart from being an opera I cannot see why this might be the answer. 33d. He`s put rings round honesy (11). ??R?G???T?? 42d....
18a Pope's non-human (9) ??O?R?E?S 1d First rather than last vowel in "longer pitch expert" (5,5) P?I?O?U??? (penultimate letter is first letter of 18a) - piano/primo something. Gtfl help. Tks.
49a Very much - as the rector of Wickham Bishops in Essex (4,5-1) I've got ???E?????O) Apols if this was answered last week, but was away and computerless and haven't been at all successful trying to...
1a Lethal dosage of protactinium shouldn't be the way to treat the old (5) 14d Cajoled model nearly in bed (9) 27d Boozy session at university for example and one's put away (4) many thanks E
Tks to Rapparee again for the link. I'm wondering if any former winners could advise if there was any delay in getting their prize. After seeing the number of this week's puzzle, I realise I've heard...
Really struggling with this one. The letters I have for the name are BL??C???RM Blanche? Also cannot find anything for 14a. ALP?STO, I realise that one of these may not be true, but even taking that...