25a 2 of 16 gets sworn at (6) ?T?L?D (16 is diamonds as per the theme). Have got hearts for 21d and acceptable for 13d, giving the T and L, but can't see this one. Tks.
1a Assembly point in Gaul is setting for Unsworth's take on Homer (5) A?L?? 3d Fuller exposition of his prerogative is available, we're told (9) ??V?R?I?A first letter of 3d is last letter of 1a. gtfl...
Just last two driving me up the wall. 23d. A female fan of the Sex Pistols?(8) ?U?K?T?E - could it be Punkite - no such word? 33a. stone or earthenware container with 2 handles(5) might be Ithad -...
have had no luck with other questions so will try these instead 20a author of cakes and ale7 ??R???? could be forster as he's mentioned in maugham book/ 23a sort of rice,say,offered on trial E????...
19a Fallacy: shot randomly, without policeman's backing (4,3) stuck on this and am not certain of any cross-checking letters altho most likely is ??S? ??C Many tks
have ground to a halt -help please 13a warner's sort of pursuit 9 ??????O?E 27a it takes a solid view of the abstract 10 ???????I?? 29a IT views the altar without altering the view 10 ???????O?? 4d...
Hi all - and seasons greetings! Was expecting a jumbo/bumper/special etc Araucaria today - usually the highlight of my Xmas!! But it's just an "ordinary" one ( not moaning too much! That'll...
Is the answer to the N question …. A lake, as used in African proper names NYASSA ? If so an Israeli submachine gun becomes USI rather than the usual UZI. Any comments, please. ?
Stuck on the nine-letter P word for a stationery case. The two I've found won't fit my grid, so there's either another word or I've got to redo the lot. Gtfl advice. Tks.