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bonus question - what connects Yokohama Bern Pasadena gtfl any suggestions...
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where and how do I access thread involving colossal?tried but cant find.
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Last few. 28a Beginning of the end of parades of Fords (4, 2, 3) S - N - D - N - T 22a Titanic survivors, but later mostly ruined. (8) C - L - S - A - Looks like COLOSSAL, but can't see the word play....
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Last 3. 9a She was seen by Lee as a rival queen (6) R - - A - A Looks like ROXANA, but I can't see the connection. 18d "He makes his rounds every evening, while you and I see the ---- once a...
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18d Exhausted, carrying timber, climbing little way (7) I have ?EAM?E? Can't seem to get this - maybe one of the letters is wrong. Gtfl help. Tks....
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33D Sons,quietly close pals (5) S?E?? 40A Boys assuming eastern guises (5) ?E??S I have the the thematic group but think I've got into a muddle with the misprints somewhere along the way and am now...
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21a Chronicler of The Hundred Days (4) R?S? Could this be (Dean) Rusk on Kennedy? Help much appreciated. Tks.
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......Reuters were novelists from Birmingham..............
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Anyone know any way of getting a response from them? I've been trying to unblock my a/c for days with no success, no promised SMS message, no response to e-mails, can't find a UK phone contact...
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Any one had calls that claim to be from Microsoft? I get calls from a foreign/withheld number that claims that errors in my event log are going to crash the PC. The thing that made me suspicious was...
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The Bible in Arabic (6) A?A?A? gtfl suggestions. Tks....
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Tks for earlier prompt replies - am getting nowhere on the long ones. Worked out 3Y + 4e + 1r +50s + 0 (3,4,4,4) begins with F Cleo involved with famous leading couturier (7,2,6) begins with Q. Many...
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This is a jigsaw and so don't have any crossing letters yet. Assistant Philip attacked (4,2,6,3) begins with T. A Bizet score ain't revised (3,7,5) begins with I. Many tks....
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36a an expert in classifying organisms into groups (10) ?E?O?O?I?T is this sexologist or serologist (or something else) ?? Tks v much...
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dr b
Nice puzzle, certainly an impressive grid construction. It took a while for the penny to drop, so for a while I was baffled by answers that seemed right but didn't seem to fit! Finally getting the...
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14a Works of Flemish painter (4) ?O?S gtfl help. tks.
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stuck on last one 3D Study of rights in speech (9) I have C?T?R?I?S
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25a "Look to the widow, she - white" (Thomas Middleton, The Plain Dealer) (6) P?I?T? apart from the fact that i thought the plain dealer was written by wycherley, i can't find this anywhere....
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Am looking to buy a laptop with a fairly large screen, cd drive/player, fingerprint recognition, long battery life, up to £500. Any ideas anyone? Once you start googling, you are bombarded with...
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just can't get this one of the eight-letter answers. 7 Tract causing agitation over arboriculture, we hear? the seven letters i've got are n a s e t r e (which seem to fit properly with the...

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