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OK - I was at work the other day conducting air sampling for Ozone which is essentially 3 oxygen atoms bonded together. This got me thinking that if three oxygen atoms forming an ozone...
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how do users get their star ratings?  in the post below this, one user has no stars in his/her first post, but then comments again later and has 2 stars?  whats that all about?
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Despite the clues I still don't have a clue.More help wanted!!
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I'm fittng an electric razor socket in a new ensuite bathroom I've built. I've fitted them before from the lighting circuit with no problems however I'm putting this one into a studded wall and...
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how would one go about becoming a photographer for an estate agent, the people who take photos of the outside and interior of properties for sale? Is this an actual job title or does it come part of...
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Thanks in advance, am on the last 4! Small ornamental bottles for holding smelling salts V_n_i_r_ _ t_ _ Bloodsucking African dipterous flies Ts_t_ _ _ Perfumes or secnts made from plant or animal...
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1) Harshly criticised (9): I _ _ _ R _ T _ D 2) Prospero's Daughter (7): _ _ R _ _ _ A 3)High - pitched or thin (5): R _ E _ _ 4) Absorbent fabric (5): T _ R _ _ Thanks!
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what course does a yr 12 student need to enroll in at university to become a surveyor
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Can anyone recommend any shops that have larger sizes in women's clothes? I use Evans and Next are finally getting bigger sizes in, but I'm running out of places to try. I'm looking for 18-20 size,...
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Why do hardly any pubs in the UK have Becks beer on tap?
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How much would you expect to pay a plaster for a day? I live on the south cost. Thanks!
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If you are caught speeding on the camera at a temporary roadworks,as well as afine will thge points be deducted
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I noticed that the top story on 5Live News this afternoon was the Beckhams' Nanny and her 'shocking revelations' (whatever they were). Is anyone remotely interested in this? Is this a legal...
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If you could go back in time and invent anything before someone esle, what would you invent? 

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