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I transplanted a clematis from a position where it was struggling into a large tub two years ago. It is thriving but has now become a low bushy plant with no flowers. Does this mean it will never...
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How do i use fimo? I would like to make some flowers for my dolls' house window boxes.
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Apart from the usual large bowl of pot pourri or a plant, any ideas on what I can put on a table, so it doesn't look so 'empty' (apart from my dinner of course). It is a table in the lounge, not used...
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What is your favourite alcoholic drink,and your non-alcoholic drink? Mine is very chilled champagne, and then freshly squeezed orange juice.
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do most bulbs have to be lifted during winter to protect them. I know dalihas do, but what about Iris and Freesia
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I am able to divert a small amount of water from a stream and would like to use it to grow water cress.Any suggestions on how to set it up?
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I have tried so many different products to get stains (mostly food) out of my preschooler's pale clothes. Please tell me what really works?
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please tell me the difference between these yellow flowers. i am surrounded by the yellow fields every year and want to know which or what plant it is that make them look like a yellow carpet! thanks.
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Are we British now turning into coffee drinkers. I only drink coffee at work because the vending machine tea is disgusting.I hate it when you go abroad and it's all coffee , can't cope without my...
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Does anyone know a good mail order company which supplies plants etc. Garden centres seem to be very very expensive and was wondering if this was a better approach? Jenny
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I am having a BBQ on the Sunday of May Bank Holiday. Where as I know what food I am serving I am struggling with what to cater for my vegetarian guests. I have vegetable kebebs but would like to give...
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Hi Does anyone have a recipe for those cake things with chocolate, golden syrup and Rice Krispies...?? Thanks
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How many people actually eat their five a day fruit & veg ?
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Please can you help me?? I'm getting wed in 6 weeks and am doing a bbq for around 35 people in our garden. My problem is this, I have never done a bbq before and am worried that the food will be...
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What would be your preference for the two following stores..... Tescos or Sainsburys?
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Help!. Can't face planting all my patio containers with bedding plants this year now I can't use my hose, as all my watering-can lugging about will have to give my vegetable patch priority. How can I...
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I love my home made burgers. In with the mince goes spring onions, chopped garlic, chillis, chopped mushrooms, chopped peppers, squirt of tomato sauce, squirt of worcester sauce, squirt of lemon...
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I'm growing some sunflowers, have them outside in pots but noticed yesterday that two have been sabotaged! I was really upset! It looks like something's eaten the leaves & top of the stalk &...
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Before you throw your washed empty cans into the recycling bin, do you tear the labels off? (And why, or why not?)
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Has anyone got any good tips for sowing very fine seeds? Ours always come out too thickly sown to easily transplant, Thanks in advance.

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