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F g crossword 1190 ,6d, 7 letters previous partner is though delinquent youth-survived ,e?????d . Thanks.for help
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Fg crossword 1189 ,18d 8 letters, In favour of Italian war time leader German brought into being, 8 letters, ?r?e?n?c? ,thinks these letters are correct . Thanks again in advance...
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Fg crossword 1187 22ac ,Low sides of secretive society member, 5 letters M?O?E ,thanks again ,thanks for answers for my previous question
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Fg crossword no1187 ,.18 d,Issued artist equipment for pictures 6 letters c???r?, c maybe wrong. Thanks in advance...
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Fg crossword 1185 22ac ,sucker apparently not in view, 5 letters??h?? . Thanks again...
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Fg crossword 1185 ,5 ac scanty box half seen, 6 letters s???s?, I think it maybe sparse but can't relate it to clue, also 6 d ,examination of opening intercepted by leader of University 5 letters??d??...
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Fg crossword 1185 , 7 d,9 letters, Truncated drunken tenor found in out house ,??o?????d. Thanks in advance...
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Fg crossword 1184 ,12 ac. Some inedible apples in vault 4 letters, ?e?p, also no 26 down, top of dirty little carpet could be stupefying 4 letters ?r?g, thanks again in advance...
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Fg crossword 14d, Defeat concerning marriage, 9 letters o?e?m?t?s ,I think some of these letters could be wrong. Thanks again...
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Fg crossword 22 ac ,sickness surrounding one local chemical company with power related to city ,9 letters, Thanks again...
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F g crossword 1182 , 20 d,6 letters. Makes an effort involving second-class sets of people, t?I?e?. T could be wrong. Thanks again...
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Fg crossword no1182 23 ac ,exceptionally fencing or implementing constraints ,9 letters ??f?????g ,these could be wrong as having bad day. Thanks in advance, plowboy...
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Fg crossword no1182 ,3d ,Facetious expression of disgust with empty lands wide expanse, 5 letters F?E?? .Thanks again in advance...
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F g crossword no.1181 17d ,dummies deride spells of prosperity, 4-3 letters, m?c?-?? Thanks in advance...
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F G crossword no1180 ,17 d , 7 letters, refuse frenchman with old Shetland fiddle , R?N???? . Thanks again in advance...
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Fg crossword 1179 ,7d,.boundless snob visit by queen becomes more raucous ,7 letters n?????r ,also 6d, committing murder in Florida,taking risks removing dead, 5 letters, I????. Thanks in advance...
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F G crossword 1177 ,9 down Heel takes in North American Republican in hoax ,6 letters ?A?A?D, Thanks
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F G, crossword 1177 11 ac 5 letters InNew York, regularly canning butter, T?N?Y ,thanks again in advance...
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Fg crossword 1176, 3 down 9 letters, Give expression to man,we're told,a way of storing messages, v?I?e???l ,I think,thanks in advance
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F G crossword thanks for earlier answer, now struggling with 5d, More filament-like .even less perceptible, 7 letters t?r???I?r , thanks again

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