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F G crossword no1175 8ac , 1,6 letters, Based on theoretical reasoning a leader of friars innovates originally 1, 6 a,???o?I. Thanks in advance....
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F G crossword 1174 ,12 ac ,Note once British clergyman with energy, 5 letters B?E?S , these could be wrong, thanks in advance, plowboy
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Fg crossword no 1171 ,21 down 5 letters , Turning up in Vietnam- ordinary novel, ??m?n ,21 ac letters ,??t?o. Thanks in advance...
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Fg crossword 1170 ,22d ,in no degree losing name at any time, 4 letters, e??? , thanks in advance...
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Fg crossword no1170, 20 ac , Incessantly ugly surrounding regularly interned fiend ,10 letters????d?a??? , I have a few more letters but not sure so left them off . Thanks again pb
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Fg crossword 1169,16 d, 7 letters ,University, est one and almost believed to be perfect ?t?t?a? Middle t may be wrong again thanks
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Thanks for help earlier , think my brain is out of gear , but have another clue which is no 21 down Curious universal foible for natural energy producing substances, 7 letters ??t???l ,Farmers...
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Fg crossword 1168, no 17 down ,During action tipped up snare went off ,8 letters ?e?a???d . Thanks in advance
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FG crossword 1166 4 down, most lame activity on street, 6 letters, g?m?s? , I think these are correct, thanks again in advance...
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Fg crossword no1166, 13 ac 9 letters, extremes of systematic upheaval in melee on rugby field. E?R?S?A?E, thanks in advance...
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Fg crossword 1165 ,22ac, 9 letters, somewhat cowardly maybe to shout over bid ,y?????I??, thanks
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Farmers Guardian crossword no 1164, 22 down, fill in form primarily a couple of hours before noon, 6 letter ?a?t?n ,thanks in advance
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Thanks emmie, I'm sure it's correct, creates another problem, 5 ac sheepish noise that might keep shepherd awake, B???n? ,thanks in advance...
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F G crossword 1163 ,7 d sadly causes inn vexation , 9 letters, t?????c?s . Thanks for help
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Fg crossword 1160 ,5 d ,Determined, wholly devoted turning up without alternative technology 7 letters d?c?d?n ,I think but could be wrong .Thanks in advance...
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F g crossword 1158 ,3d 7 letters. Being at ease concerning swindle r?s?t?? ,thanks in advance...
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F G Crossword no 1155 , 21 d Wearies of Seine nautics from time to time, 6 letters, e?n??? ,I think.Thanks again...
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FG crossword 1154 21 d Cheered-the old type of computer turned up ,6 letters, y?l??? ,thanks
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Good morning, Farmers Guardian crossword 1153 ,19 across, Secure grand flight 4 letters ???g ,thanks in advance
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F G crossword 1152 .17 down 9 letters, With pressure gives account of churchman of high rank, ?r?l?t?s .thanks in advance

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