Charity shops do not want them. There appears to be no market on ebay. They cannot be put out for recycling. Seems wasteful to send them for landfill. Any other ideas?
My father has a cousin who is 85 years old. Can you tell me please what relation she would be to me - am I her second cousin or one cousin removed or something else? Thanks for any help.
Why do these so called Celebs want to go on programmes like this. The questions are made much easier that the proper quiz and the so called celebrities struggle through the answers. Is there anything...
How did John get in the loft without ladders or something to stand on and surely the police would have checked the house out and left an officer to stay with Fiz during the night, seeing John was at...
I have just changed (with difficulty) the black cartlidge on my printer but it is not printing and the red light is still showing. The instructions with the printer are rubbish. All the four...
I have been seeing this man on and off for a while. He can be really lovely. But if things do not go his way, he gets very verbally agressive. Dumps me, then sends me nasty verbally abusive texts....
My grandaughter was due to taking her driving test this morning at 9.30 am in her instructor's car. The instructor said to her that he needed to check his lights at the garage first - the lights...
Is 10 pm a reasonable time for a 13-year old boy to be home for when he is only with his friends in the park - I think this is too late but being a grandparent I maybe behind times.
Can anyone tell me please how to get rid of fruit flies - they have been driving me for the past few months. I have removed all food from the tops in my kitchen, sprayed and even, as someone suggested...
Stuck on the following please 15a Reading transport in an academic position (11), 9d Plans to get ram involved in rite first (11), 4d Singer gets left at the wrong end, having nothing on top (8)...