The water pressure on our wall mounted IDEAL ALTO ECOTHERM shower valve is poor. Any advice on which type of pump (Brand name or power) would be best to improve the pressure would be appreciated....
A wall lamp is advertised with the following measurements. 16.5cm X 12.7cm X 13.5cm. Which is the Height or Width etc? Is there a standard order in which these dimensions are advertised? Thank you....
Our wall mounted shower valve and bath shower mixer (IDEAL ALTO ECOTHERM) has very low pressure. Is is possible to attach/install some type of power unit to this type of shower to increase the...
24/29. Thanks to be God, this is a tax we don't have to live with! (5 4) ????? DUTY
27d Make a meal of dieting without gin; all square (4)
26d. Time out on the agenda (4)...
9a There are two sides to this type of action(10) 1d Is there any distinction between the English and the French ? (10) 10a Promise to give.. a b-bethrothed? (8) 16d Such feelings-- once dispatched,...
Isn't it a fine Irish Chrstian name for the King of Orange to contain! (4) ?I??
Without it , I would only be one in any lower case! ( 1- 3)
The sound of the dirty old town? (8)
Fairway to go for for one-be it for business or fun. ( 1 5 2 4)
21a Line out for the longest runner? (4)...
18a " Up it will rise to no public surprise for the nation's accommodation! (5 2 8) 17d No mistake- her fate was sealed for God's sake! (4 2 3) 5d Can a member of parliment be returned at this time?...
My Huawei Ascend G7 has stopped sending texts. It askes me to rescend but when i try nothing happens. I have enough credit. Any solution to my problem please.
Our Close Coupled Toilet cistern has a MACDEE METRO 3 Part Syphon Range which requires replacement or repair. Is it true that this particular syphon can be replaced WITHOUT having to unscrew and take...
The rear of our house is facing the North with our main TV room also in the rear facing the North. Is it true that a Satellite Dish has to placed facing the SOUTH? Why the South? If the dish were to...
In my Control Panel, Add and Remove programmes, currently installed programmes and updates, i have several lines of Security Updates for Windows XP followed by a number similiar to (KB2481109). If i...
My neighbour(s) wireless connection always appears on my wireless connection (within range) screen details. Can i get rid of my neighbour's connection details off my screen and if i cannot do they...
Our Broadband speed is pathetic compared to the speed achieved by houses just a few hundred yards down the road from us. How near to one of these FIBRE boxes on the street do you have to be to get the...