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Does anyone know the pay scale for the job of Cover Supervisor in Schools - where you cover the job of teachers who are absent for one reason or another - but are obviously not a qualified teacher?
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what is the tune in the new marks and spencers food advert, where it starts off with the chicken being cut, and then the broccoli, and then the chocolate cake???
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What is the song bieng played in the essentials advert and the girl is singing along to it then she bumps her head?
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At this time of year my Grandad always says:- Spring is sprung, the grass is riz. I wonder where the birdies is. Has anyone else ever heard this? Is there more to it? Where does it come from?
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How does one qualify to have the title baroness
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Has anyone been to Singapore?  I am going there in mid April for two weeks and I would be interested to be advised of anything important.  Thanks!
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=&quot;100%&quot; cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=&quot;100%&quot; border=0 UNSELECTABLE=&quot;on&quot;> <TBODY> <TR...
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I really want to get a tatoo on my lower back nothing big and it will be in black! I really am scared about the pain though, can anyone tell me what it feels like? Is there such thing as numbing cream...
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Suzy A
Thank you so much Ray the Grey, Dosset and Jansey - heres one or two more: 1971 F D herald a C R 1972 S J O 1976 V U S designed to O M   1976 B and I end C W 1992 BH and FH die 1995 EC...
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What's the music from the new Golf GTi advert, where Gene Kelly is CGI-dancing? Much appreciated!
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hi,im an 18 yr old boy currently working full time,been there for two years,and took off two weeks holiday just over two weeks ago...even tho i said to the manager who was doing the shifts that id...
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can any one point me towards a site that supplies disatnces between countries globally speaking. the msn site does'nt give inter continental distances as you can't drive over water.... going to the...
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John Wallace
A C of W works more than a C F of S

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