On my old laptop I had a full size SD card slot so - as my camera has a full size SD card I just took it out of the camera and slotted it in laptop so I could download all my photos just taken, My new...
All of a sudden when I go into My Docs and open a folder with photos instead of seeing all the photos lined up as large icons all I get is the little blue Windows 10 mountain icon and I have to click...
I am new to this but I have a couple of NHS notifications which came by text not email and I need hard copies. I looked on my phone's help site and it said to download and install an app called sms...
I have successfully set up this new laptop by copying what was on my old Acer. My only problem is this..... I have English as main language and Greek as my other language. On my old Acer in the...
Hello Have used Amazon for years and when I tack a package it says ' deliver by 9pm' and later in the day it fives a time slot but........... A friend tells me he can actually view a map which gives...
I was told how to do this but have forgotten! I have a new phone and want to put a new ringtone on it. I have downloaded the ringtone no problem and it appears in audio on my file manager as ringtone...
Hello I have used Avast Premier for years and have a paid up current subscriptions which along with VPN I use on this laptop. It says I can use it on my Tablet but when I go into it it asks for a new...
I recently sold some 9ct gold rings with a large non precious stones for scrap gold value and the value was fair but....... How did the jeweller decide what the actual gold weight was without removing...
I know this may sound silly but...can I charge my phone by using the micro lead in phone and the other usb end (which I normally plug into the wall charger) dirctly into my new car's usb port? I know...
Have just set up successfully this Z5 using all he same details as when I set up my Z3 compact. Everything is working well but for one thing..... On my old phone I had put on a ringtone which I...
My phone has Android 5.0.2 but my wife's same model has Android 6.0. She can download the covid certificate QR code on hers but I cannot - I' m told that it will only work on Andoid 6.0 at least. Now...
I am new to bluetooth and I thought these lightweight headphone would work with my tv! I have no bluetooth option on my smart tv so I have been using a plug in to sound jack transmitter. This pairs ok...
I have a Sony Bravia KDL 48W D653 TV but I cannot find bluetooth on it and at the moment I use a pair of wired headphone connected to the phone jack socket. I do not understand bluetooth (being...
I bought this new printer recently (it is exactly the same model as my old one which broke) and I set it up and everything works the same except..........,the print is too large. For instance if I...
This watch is automatic but needs manually winding if off wrist for a day or so. The instn booklet gives 3 postions on the crown (it is the day/date model) and says pull out to position 1 to manually...
I have an android Huawei tablet on which I have just installed the NHS app from Google playstore? I set all up by giving allmy etails like NHS number etc and after a lot of messing about (I am new to...
I have no problems at all on my android tablet or phone but suddenly on my PC there appears often a message in my G Mail saying oops there is a problem with 2003 or similar and I cannot read the mail...
Hello again - one further question please. Previously when I got to about 15% left in battery I got a warning which said 'Low Battery' on the screen - also I do still get an icon bottom rt screen...
Hello - it'sme again. One final question I hope! I had all my docs transferred by memory stik from my old computer to this one. My problem is I have quite a few eml files which were saved into Docs. I...
I have just set up my old lapop and everything is ok except for one thing. I went into 'start up' somehow and as I was told by someone to put most of the items in it to sleep to make my laptop faster...