21a congregated to do this again with believer [9] ???h?d?s? 22a stone dean's partner [5] ?e?r? is this jerry, 18d poet finds university in middle east port[5] ?u??? 5d tv programme about a sailor...
8a Down the side of Angola without a turn (5) ?L??? 16a Eccentric person hiding nothing from busybody (7) ?N?O??? 22a Very big internal operation - oh dear! (4) O??? 5d Landlord's control in ring (9)...
Just three to get - I'm probably being thick! 10D "vegetable to grow under city" ?R?S?E?S?P???T - I think it's Brussell Sprout but can't make it fit 36A "requirement that I nearly tow...
Help required please with last 2 clues
7a Take the top of a foreign hat, 5 letter word ?N?A?
10a Sound carried to pig, 4 letterword ?O?R
would appreciate any suggestions, please
Thank you...