There is an extra letter in some clues... Completely stuck in SW corner so no crossers as yet.. 32a Treatment for baldness provided by Russian mother (5) 35a Gutsy men ate headless crab, after... ...
10d Destroy old reels of Alien (7) ????E?E 30d Elizabethan run kept up by shaken nerves (5) RE?N? regna? 34d Small mark in ones own standing (3) ?OT dot?
13d The man of 1980 is dead keen onfreedom from war (5,5) ?A??? / P?A?E 8d Recklessness regularly besets Hansel and Gretel, you might say (10) ??A?D???E?
There will be clashes so crossers may not help... Some clues have an extra word but not these 2 clues... 23a Celebrity's taken in by the method of extremely little food(6) 40a Sceptically seek... ...
two intersecting answers... 27a Anger revising right to note measure of this clue's length (6) ??*?GE ennage? enrage? 33a Firearm switched sides of wagon in Wild West (4) ??U* ... ...
Wordplay in each clue yields an extra letter.... 33a Deactivate surrounding nuclear discarded refuse (4) possibly NILL (old word for refuse) U may be the extra letter ? 41a Chinese measure of biscuit... ...
In some acrosss clues there is an incorrect letter.. In some down clues there is a letter missing... I have a full grid and have made the changes, but can't see the "city name". Didn't seem to need... ...
There are clashes so crossers may not help.. 12a Post-modern cutting that is a plant (7) 14a Shuts up Wan's antiquated operation in months (7) Each down clue except one has an extra letter in... ...
31a Anti-nuclear treaty prompts no action from Lord’s, say (4,3) test ban? 25d Small sand eel, it seems, or other marine animal (8) L???E?ES lookslike an anagram of s sand... ...
1a British political schemer's ultimately unfair to wrongly rate MP (2,5) ?? / T?P?R anagram of R RATE MP ? Mr Taper? 1d Boss who isn't in Chekhovian drama, with staff and no good crew (6) ??N??N men... ...
Number of letters unknown... Base of natural logarithm divided between central part ( could be 3 or 6 or 8 letters) Hooligan in thieves kitchen ?ED assume ted? Silks dressing one in social... ...
Full grid and the word connecting the extras from the downs, but no idea what to do next....can't even see the petitioner or the king....any help please?
There is an extra letter in the wordplay... 23d Sign for pair of young people cycling (3) The crossers give does that work? I "think" S is the extra... 1d Irregular projection twisted to... ...
There may be clashes.... 17d Medically constructed section having heart repeatedly struggling (8) S?E????A 22d Corroded wiper flipping side to side (6) R????D rotted? rusted? 24d Previous operations... ...