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7d comical fool around a youngster 8d ruin cellars top brandy 12a ungracious without thinking 13a trendy merchandise is available [two words]...
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...anyone done this ? "Solvers must highlight 4 cells in a vertical line..." could be any of these combinations seen vertically in the grid... NSOE SOEN OENS ENSO Does it matter which or am i missing...
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some letters in the wordplay are ignored... I have the quote so have removed the extra words from the clues... 4d Take off Scots (4) RE?? 5d Focus of comment someone changing allegiance keeping...
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Lots of clashes so crossers don't help: 21a South African group's cardinal hugging the Queen (6) 31a District pays to temporarily use cycles (5) 41a Inclined to horizon, see earl borne by horse (7)...
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Clues must be considered as consecutive pairs. Before solving, a letter must fall from the first to the second in each pair, creating new words. 35a Charming Frenchman's won back ring ...answer...
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Each clue has 1 letter missing from the wordplay .....number of letters unknown... These clues have answers with 4,5 or 7 letters 5. Get up, accepting start of regular shifts. D is missing from the...
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37a Cops section spread with strangeness (6) ST??R? the misprint is in the definition "cops" steery? steers ? teer could be spread ? defn coXs ??...
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Full grid + the 2 sentences from the extra letters but no idea what to highlight/change 3 letters in grid....??
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Anyone done this one? Last part requires 4 words to be written under the grid..that come from missing or damaged parts on the right of the perimeter... I can only think of LORD......
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clues do not have a crossing letters as we don't know where they fit yet... 6. Flash back going south (4) 7. Mr Spooner's aircraft Fitzgerald (11)...
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some clues contain an extra letter.. 1a High speed via Malta, returned to European country, avoiding capital (8) ??T????? 13d Charlie withdrawn, losing heart in goodly mate (9) ?????T?N? possibly O...
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Please could someone advise which days Telegraph newspaper this puzzle appeared in, Many thanks...
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Have a full grid with the "ten affected entries" amended for entry but no idea of which to highlight?...
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Crossing letters won't help because some entries have to be encoded before entry... 18a Old man's aides (4) the 2nd and 4th letter are the same.. 9d What one might do after dinner is give a donation...
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Which blank cell is it for the end game please. I have 4 blanks but can't see a 4 word phrase using any of them ??
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Grid all done and highlighting but just need some parses please....some clues have an extra word 12a Refuse up North the hasty treatment TRASH t for the + rash ?? why up north? 16a Rod losing head in...
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Extra letter in word play. Help with: 11a. In Southern Region, a group of people performing dance tune (9) 32. At one place to take in Augusta’s round figure! (8) 14. Flycatcher’s leg taking time for...
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9d Fancy car - can it break down? (5) CR?SH
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Help please with the shaded squares...I've filled the bottom right one with &, but no ideas for the other 4.......
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Thanks to your precious help, I'm now at the end of this not so "amusing" Fieldfare offering! The theme remains elusive for me, though I have all of the unclueds except 9 and 40. It's difficult to see...

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