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42a) Fore of a ship (4) ?R?W 21a) Ephemeral quality (10) T?A?S?E?C? 33d) Decline, drop (4,3) L?T?, O?F...
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the old mill
(10ac Village near Kelso disrupts my hotel. anag. (7) (y?t?o?m13ac Atmosphere layer said to be damaged by Scotland`s coal power stations (5) () o?o?e) 30ac Represforentative body for...
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11a + 23+ 14a poet friend of william wordsworth 6+6+9 1d+3d+18d +25a the most famous poem 4+2+3+7+7 need your help please...
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Last one With which some can become so entangled? (6) ?E?H?D Is it meshed? If so why?...
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1d) Defame(7) ???e?s? 8a) Threadbare(6) ??a?b? Is feider Linn Thanks All...
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link words back ------- leather...
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mon express 3d elongatedsystem of organs or glands in the body that has a particulr function t-a-t cheers
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Tired like a parachutist before a dive (5,2,4): R?A??Y?O?R?P One restricting food to fade away over short period (6): D?E?E? Shopkeepers smartened up (9): T?A?E?M?N Fine contribution to the library?...
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http://www.dailymail....72-short-illness.html Kathy Kirby has died age 72 , does anyone remember this singer? RIP Kathy...
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There are five I can't get this week! Any help appreciated please. 22ac Loveless marriage, say, with one bloke? That's foolish. 13L U _ I - T - - - - - E - T. 27ac Get awfully drunk, finally, and...
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OK, well, I'm absolutely rubbish at crosswords and need a lot of help: 4a: Troubled person must be kept outside that place (8) ???????? 25a: Boy entertaining Irish landowner (5) ??I?? 28a: Padre...
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1 D Scarf not completely damp (6) M-F-L- 20 D Tell the truth about controversial meat. (6) -E-E-L 16 D Conceals old boy`s remedies. (8) -B-C-R-S (think it`s OBSCURES)...
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Please can anyone help me with this (sorry no letters) Plagiaristic jazz fan? ????-??? Many thanks in advance...
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Can anyone help with my last 4 clues? I'm stuck on : 29 Board meeting to which sleeping partners are summoned.(5) 31. Signal that footballer's girlfriend pursued Spencer (6) Which Spencer? Marks...
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Hi, Does anyone know where I can get Amami setting lotion from. It is my Mum's favourite but we know they have stopped making it now, I just wondered if anyone knows of any stocks of it anywhere. I...
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Hi , I'm stuck on quite a few this week and I would appreciate your help :) 16a horribly obvious g?a?e?g (7) , 80 d occured a?o?e (5) , 69 d accomplish quickly e?p?d??e (8), 5 a P?ss?n?la - mild...
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Thanks for the answers folks Please can anyone help 30 across Method of accomplishing something by means of strength ?R??? ????E Also 24 across Person who steals en route H??????? 28 across Rudolph...
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seminars turn into external tests ?n?o?i?l?...
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1D Lord of the Flies b???z???? 14A st growing pot plant wit pink or white flowers ??s? ??z??? 10 & 19A B&B's owners disturbed by old British musket b?o?? ??s? 5D Get in with, fawn i?g?a???n?...
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9a example in position (8) I - S - A - C - 11a send round objects (4) E - D - 8a shape of round little girl (4) - - - - 2d move of in a cirecle wirth a sawn of gun (7) R - - - L - E 3d soldiers left...

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