Please accept my apologies for jumping in all the time!
I do post the "full clues, etc" message when I think to, but it can get quite tedious...
♥ X L-i K...
3d, Characters starting up keenly get capitalised in this country, briefly (6,7) ??I?E? / ??N???M 11d, Source of rumours as slander can go nasty about maiden (13) ??A?D?L???G?R 10a, One seeking to...
Hello all If I could please mop up the final few: 18a Make an announcement- personal I have ?U?I?A?E poss ruminate but no idea why 34d Bear having support ?I?????NG 42a Be agitated enough to create...
14A Slaves to a habit 7 o?d???s 21A With great speed 7 r???d?y 68A Cable free internet 2-2 ?? ?i 34D Souk or fete 6 ?e?a?r 56D Economically 7 ???a??y 13D Lacking affection Faith and Hope on their own...
please help, having a senior moment, and slow cooking belly pork ( just for Lie-in king ) 21a a catholic 17th century England 8 24a the main antagonist in Orwell's nineteen eighty four 6 a beginner's...