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bazwillrun He looks like a muppet....but is as dangerous as an AK47 another country they want to remove any individuality it has and destroy its borders and...
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Why do men only want hook with no strings...does no one want a relationship anymore ? Im baffled...
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I have just popped in to bid you all a temporary farewell. I am back in hospital today for another operation and could be absent for anything from 2 days to 2 weeks. I will of course have my regular...
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stewey, but my field is white with two inches of snow. Therefore I'll be stomping across it in order to reach my objective. It's minus 12, so I hope that they have some ice-cold wobbly pops! if you...
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Just the last couple of days I have been having problems with my typing, having to press each key a few times before a letter appears. I have tried word docs and other web sites but it is only on AB...
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I have spent today wrapping what gifts I have bought so far and written a mountain of cards....and I'm knacked ! Have more to do but simply can't face it now..perhaps Sunday ? Anyone else started this...
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Who do you think will be voted out first?
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It has just been on Sky News that some parts of Ison may have survived the sun . We shall no more over the weekend.
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...finding a penny this morning and all day long you'll have good luck. Had another busy and rather stressful day at work (only 1 good thing came out of it I think) my lunch break was not a break but...
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Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?...
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So, what happens next for Amanda and Raffaele. Okay, let's get this one off my chest. Evidence before the Court on Day 1 of the new hearing ... After six years of testing and testing and testing, it...
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Most bizarrre
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. . . wrapping presents. It looks a simple thing to do, but I always make a real boll$$ks of it. Is there anything you can't do that you think should be simple?
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Can anyone remember any little songs they used to sing which had actions with them. I mean like Incy Wincy Spider.
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Look - I mean it - finish your tea first. From the well respected mumsnet site (the comments are priceless) :
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Speak your mind, Are you afraid what you say in case it offends?...
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Being in the company of people you really don't like ? My step daughter has taken up with the town pig...she is 17 and he is 23, he has a child and has abused that child resulting in hospital...
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Do you honestly think that will be running this Counry in another 100 years?
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I've been a bit under the weather the past few days but today at work something made me smile this is what happened. Lady comes in with her son to get shoes. He gets his shoes she then takes him back...

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