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Who is the Half Blood Prince going to be?
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Why does he live in a pineapple?
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Who else likes the O.C? Who do you think should break up or make up?
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this isn't really just to do with literature but who agrees with me that the lord of the rings is far superior to any other book or film?
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(Yes, this is a spin-off from another thread)There are many references in the OT to God being angry. How can that be when you consider that:1. God created everything and is therefore responsible...
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I am making a mantle clock for my project for one of my classes in school. But I don't know what to look for because I don't really know what would be easy (I'm not too good with the power tools or...
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Can anyone please give me more information about Hades and his wife. I know it's a myth, but do u know if the myth has any specific name? And also, I know about how Hades abducted his wife, but can...
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Why is a fifty dollar bill bad luck?
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from which animal do we we get cat gut?
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Harry Potter - brain rotting pap designed to subdue the reading masses to a quiescent state in order to pump sinister memes into our culture, memes which will result in the totoal corruption of a...
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Does anyone know if any of Chirstopher Pike's, Joan Lowery Nixon's, or Lois Duncan's books were made into movies? I know that Fall into Darkness (Pike) was made into a movie, but I wonder if any other...
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How often does F.A.R. questions change??
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are harry potters parents muggles
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Who do you think should be president? Bush or Kerry?
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why do we christians eat meat when it says in the ten comandments "thou shalt not kill" ? So are we all sinners
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What would stop a bullet from hurting you? Other than a bullet proof vest. Something that any normal person would have with them.
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If God was all powerful, could he create a rock so big that even he couldn't move it?
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WHY there should be a god? WHY? To make me feel good? To protect me? From what? And why should this god protect me anyway? So I don't die? That is ludicrous; of course I will die some day! Does god...
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Is it Legal for my parents (im 14) to take away my propety that i paid for and sell it ?( it is over 200.00 US dollars)

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