8d queen managed attempt at wandering ??m?n?r? not sure if all letters are correct 17d spent bread on directions to city ?b?????? 22d follow, having time to complain ??a??
1d oil and jam mixed about in pottery m??????? 6d lamenting row having developed ??i?n???t 14a priest takes new food to those who are expendable ??e?o? ??d???
9a ring wise oklahoma indian o?a?? 7d don't go once a session contains it ???s? thout maybe 9a was osage but not positive,thats me got it completed if get these 2. thanks everyone for your help
sorry didn't put any letters to help with the clue system that's relating to two terms ?i?i?y or could be ?i?a?y not sure is the one down illeged or alleged that's the difference between the i and a,...
3d spent great time at work, learning to shoot s?r?e?/p?a???c? think second word might be practice 20d look after queen's bodyguard ???d?r thought might be tender