bet you can't eat three of these is this jacobs crackers? Still no response to what was rollin rollin rollin? and what lager claimed "puts out fire"they are only 2 left that have no answer for thanks...
almost finished now just want to re ask few that couldn't answer any help appreciated thanks who urged you to clunk-clink every trip who coined the phrase naughty but nice for cream cakes this gives a...
what powder cleans the floor without scratching which insurance company featured talking baby what was whispered in your ear in the 1960s if you didn't wash with lifebuoy. any help appreciated not...
stanley baxter, bruce forsyth and kenneth williams provided voices for which advertising favourites? you will not want to leave home without it? the street will give a clue what store would bring your...
mrs merton and malcolm just loved being in control wonders what were you once never alone with what lager claims it put out fire what cookery product did sooty...
who bought the remington electcric razor company? what beer was advertised what your right arm's for? what actor introduced the Schh you know who commercials? What was rolin rollin rollin?
1a time the edge is cut ???? 12d no greedy man works for risky earnings ??????\????? 24a fellow politician starts chin-wagging to bird g????????? 26a always figure out why before reaching all places...
3d some poetry and some salt that's hardly fresh think it is ancient something other word is ?o?i?e? last one will be bothering you with hopefully get to bed then
9d writer is ranting wildly about being calming ?????????i???g 7d clean home out for fickle person c???????? 8d attorney takes you on the first excursion d?? ???
18a gathering to study economics say a?c?a?/s?????? 6d no man game to play old king a?a?e?n?? 25a turn cross in unruly mob when portly i have locum for answer but not sure if correct
5a working as great method of crowd control t???/??? 1d written section on nails, say ??a??? 2d each girl managed to have time to be listless ??t??????