Hiya Abers. I have several emails that I darent wipe off and want to highlight them with the star on far right side of email messages. When I click on them ,some work and some dont. Any idea why they...
I have a new 10 yr passport. At the back it says to add names of persons in case of emergencys--accidents. What have you got written on yours? Not sure just who I should add. Leave hubbie out of...
I have a Nokia mobile, and its playing up this morning for the first time. I can put message on but it just wont send. Keeps saying --message failed. Any ideas whats gone wrong with it. I did drop it...
If some one is born on 5th September 1991, is he 21 this yr? (in a couple of days) So tired, i cant think straight and have to buy a card in the morning. Thanks Abers x
I am going to an engagement party in a hall on Saturday.
Havent got a clue what to buy , any ideas before I shop tomorrow?
Thanks for replies Abers x...
Has any one on AB grown their own peanuts? Have googled and found that they are grown in America with 5 months of sunshine, and grown underground? well, have you? Have just found 2 sprouting nuts...
Does chemo always wipe you out, feeling exhausted? Does it make a difference if you feel pretty good when starting treatment? My brother starts a twice a week dose on Tues for 6 months, with a week...
its a very sad time again, losing my much loved sister on monday gone. Bless her heart, she was wonderfull. This may be played at her funeral hopefully. I loved her and my bro who passed away last...
Can you shoot them? One squirrel in the garden is driving me nuts!!!! Theres always only one, and he sits there looking at you and I'm sure he is smirking at me, staring me out. Help --can I buy an...
Hiya , i'm off to post updated passport today.
Do you leave the 2 photos lose in the envelope, or cellatape them losely to the space provided for you? Dont want to make a cock up x...
Well well well, got really caught out today with a £5 note --was a fake and would never have guessed. lady in chemist noticed it straight away and I was told to take it to the bank and get a new...
We are trying out the new phone what O/h bought yesterday.
I've just sent him a text, and rang his phone and it cuts off after just a few second. Any idea why please?...