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i put something in my recyle bin accidently, and a couple of days ago, without relising it was in there, i cleaned up my recyle bin and deleted everything in there ! Is there any way of getting this...
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We have installed a new DVD Recorder this afternoon and everything has gone almost to plan, expect that we have sound but no picture. Can anyone help? Thanks.
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My LCD TV (about 3 years old) comes on for a second with sound and picture but then after about half a second goes blank (or black even though the default screen is usually blue) but the audio still...
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Does anyone know how to change from portrait to landscape in the word processor? Thanks.
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My computer having been away for repair I now find that I cannot install my Finepix 410 digital camera,the programme having been wiped out ?..Have tried Fujifilm but only wasted my time,having no...
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17A expiosive shot on the billiards table ? (6) 19a mark,great wallaby fly half and captain ?(4) 24a this spaniard wears no8 for bolton ?(5)
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file type of "TP" i want to watch a video and i can't because i dont have the application. the file is "Tp" so any help would be brilliant. matty34
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Is it possible to get ie to start up when my pc boots up ?
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i created a dvd in .prn. i want to open it in windows offive but it won't let me. how can i view this material in order to check and edit it?
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Can anyone recommend a good Crossword-making programme that can be downloaded ? Thanks
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how do i change the keyboard settings on my computer from us to uk english?
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Can anyone help. I am looking for a clematis that is named after someone ... celebrity / actress. If not clematis then a popular flowering plant preferably a female name and fairly modern. ( not roses...
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Help!!! I want to buy the best dvd hd recorder available up to 400 euro. Has anyone a satisfactory one?
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I'm trying to design a newsletter for an email shot, but when I copy and paste the word doc over to the email the pictures don't come out. Is that because I need the pictures in a different format?...
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dvdfab decrypter, then dvd2one, and the third stage is to burn it onto disc using Nero Burning rom, however the film is too long for a disc, so my question is can i compress it more or what do i do?...
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I want to start my own web site, with the option of numerous pages etc, is there any one that will provide this for free? I am capable of doing the work on it, I think myself, I just want something a...
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8a England schemer who played for Spurs and later became clb coach ? (5,5) 10a Certainties to show winning interest ? (7) 15a Left handed Middlesex runmaker who is opening all hours in the West indies...
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How can I find someone's email address, thanks.
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I am at Uni and the post boxes for our mail are open and sometimes get mixed up. My bank will send me statements via e-mail, which would be better for me, but they would have to go to my Hotmail...
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<html> <body> <p style="text-color: blue">Hello</p> </body> </html>

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