Grrr. I've been stuck on this before and I cannot recall it. 18A Who ditched England and Wales of all football clubs? (4) O_F_. Some acronym for an association, isn't it? Also 4D: Makes a pretence a...
Can't work out the wordplay here: 7D. Charge is made initially for shielding home industry (13) _R_T_C_I_ _ _S_. PROTECTIONISM, I think. 23A. Pay that is not including packaging (4) N_T_. NOTE? If so,...
This isn't the place to crawl, solver! (3,2,4,5) _ _T/_ _/_O_R/_E_T_. Having only a couple of shillings? On the contrary! (5,4,1,4) _O_T_/A/_O_/O_/T_ _
13D Support hospital facilities in disarray after wicked lie (9) B_C_W_R_S. Looks like BACKWARDS. Support (back) hospital facilities (WARDS). What's rest of the fodder/definition?
Good French soldier down under once cut source of wealth (7) B_N_ _ _A. BONANZA. Def. is clear (source of wealth) and BON=Good in French, but the rest, ANZA, escapes me.