Last of course to go out for the interval (5) NINTH. Can't understand the wordplay here. Last of golf course would be the 18th. Am I on the wrong track?
26A Struggling artist's back with American cast (8) T_ _ _L_N_. 24D Record problem for a boat L _ _ _. At first I inked in skip but that was wrong. It definitely starts with L.
Can I get some help with 1A to jump start me in that corner? I'm thick-skinned, pressing Conservative with one hour to make a U-turn? (10) _ _ _ N_C_ _ _S (not positive about the N).
I'm baffled by the wordplay in many of the answers today, but I'm stuck on two. K. Lament a knighthood, Spooner, from afar (4-4) K_E_-A_I_. Z. The bible lasts: religion's somewhat daft (4) ZE_D.