13 This country drops unexpectedly in a second race (10) _ _R_ _ _I_ _S. Not 100% sure about the I. 4 Wrap painful swelling enveloping boy’s foot in game (5,5) RUGBY _ _I_ _.
1 Language of sailor about to land in Africa (6) S_M_L_. SOMALI? Why? 8 Marry Charlie — he has no wife (4) A_L_. 24 Out of shape, inwardly upset (4) _R_M.
Having trouble with this one from an old puzzle: A nut's what might be said to be under the bed (5) PECAN. Is this a homophone? If so, of what? I'm from across the pond so I have trouble sometimes...
2 to finish this one. 27 Catch chap giving richer course material to the Dutch (5) S_R_ _. (SCROD?) 2 Proudly possess no mean blow drier (5) B_A_ _. Please explain the wordplay as well. Thanks!
24A Immediately like the other set of clues (4) _O_N. Looks like down, as this is an across clue. I don't understand the meaning of "immediately" here.
Stuck on 4 clues: 10A Just up from bed, off to speak (6) A_E_ _ _. 3D Disease on farm is shocking (8) S_A_ _ _R_. 16A Block a burrow (4) S_T_. (SITE?). 20A Sort of gene I’ve lost in inactive...
Telling Reginald about university language course (8) _ _E_T_N_. Looks like ALERTING but I can't make out the wordplay. 19D Prince and his mother drink (6) _H_S_ _.
I am stuck on 3 clues to finish. 4D Girl gets cross, having to go round wide forest (8) S_ _ _W_O_. 5D: Songbird heading off for island (4) I_ _ _. IONA? If so, why? 10A Joining my old mate at first I...
I am struggling to understand the parsing of several clues and I am stuck on these 5 clues!!! 2D Revolutionary manifesto’s reproof oddly missing, creating classic drama (8) O_E_ _ _ _A....
Can anyome explain the wordplay in this clue? Too unframed, according to a fan at a comic show (5,5) OPERA BUFFA. It's a comic opera, but how does the wordplay work - aside from A BUFF being a fan?
I'm having so much trouble with this one for some reason. Need help in the NE corner. 1A. A number of people - 13 - appearing around noon (8) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 9A. Before backing show, vet books old...
Stuck on: Weather defence related between American and British strangers (10) MACKINTOSH. I know it's a raincoat in the UK but don't get the rest. Also 21D: Not-very-alcoholic mixed gin makes you...