Last one to finish. 9 Amount of substance produced by digger (4) M?L?. also need help with wordplay on this one: 14 Bow to people dressed in part in sheepskin (9) PARCHMENT. I can see the PART+MEN....
Strugggling! 12A Not quite all correct beer-fuddled Times solver neglected to use it? (8,6) ?E???R??/???T??. 25 Hitch, Master of Suspense directed it (4) R???
17 Operating canoe or a yacht, initially similar in weight (8) K_ _ _K_N_. 24 First statement from witness can’t stand: case dismissed (4) O_ _ _. 6 Mine is definitely not to be hit! (4) _ _ _B
How does this clue work? Stand one chessman beside another (5) BROOK. Definition stand (brook) is clear as is ROOK (a chess piece). But how does the B = the other chessman?
Stuck on 3 clues. 10 Tough made to go around Chilterns town (9) S _ _ _N_E_T. 2 Some restaurants charge this, just for openers (7) C_ _ _A_E. 17 Something other than static often heard on Classic FM...
16 No end of stuff in bundles piled up in remote research base (8) _P_C_L_ _. 26 Cushion for doddery old man (6) _ _F_E_. Could you give the wordplay as well, please!
6 Responsible Guardian editor finally wears a new fur (10) ANSWERABLE. What part does "guardian" play in the clue? Responsible+answerable. A+NEW+(edito)R+SABLE. Or am I misreading this?
10 Aggrieved about plan — what about it? It’s flagging (9) S_A_P_O_ _. 17 Nice support for a woman reversing charabanc (6) S_B_L_. SUBTLE?? If so, what's the wordplay? 20 Beat that backing...
Need help parsing the following answers, please. 2 Act on grand old committee, having a short spell on board (8) DOGWATCH. 3 Such a lot of lies not at first something to discuss (5) ISSUE. 23...
2 to finish this off. 27 Children’s and grownups’ clothes found around flat mostly (6) K_D_E_. 16 Censor volume about girl from the south (8) _A_I_I_E.