Good morning everyone from an extremely windy and wet North Wales. T o a certain yokel, a simple message (well, he is a village idiot) I am back, I will be watching you...............
What do you call a deer with only one eye? No idea What do you call a deer with only one eye and no legs? Still no idea Help; I need more deer jokes fror a friend of mine who runs a deer sanctuary....
My Grandad's going in for a full body scan this week after preliminary tests showed that he might have a tumour in his bowel. As you might expect he's been told not to run and now can't join me in the...
Autumn is in the air, slightly overcast, but it is still time to get yer butt's out of yer bed's as it is time to start another day. There that has motivated you hasn't it.
I have been here since May and have seen many times Troll mentioned but I do not know exactly what it means in AB terms.Can someone enlighten me please.
Paddy wanted to be an accountant, so he went for an aptitude test. Tester: If I give you two rabbits, two rabbits, and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got? Paddy: Seven! Tester: No,...
A Libyan rebel, who had been risking his life to free his country, was asked on television how he would like to see his country develop. He said he would like it to be like England, which he thought...
Is there one or more ABers,that you can usually rely on to "talk turkey"? Is there an ABer you most often look out for,to provide a sensible,or sharp,witty response ? I"m fairly new...