Again, silly little one left. 11 ac- Ordinal, eighth in camp? Looks like TENTH, for an ordinal number using tent (camp) plus H, which is eighth letter of alphabet. Not really convinced by my logic!...
Please help with:-
2 down. Lazily swapped ending and lost happy scene (5) ?D?L
16 across. Place in USA's on the tip of your tongue (7) ?U?S?A?
Thank you...
Say what the mind something 7 letters b?g???s
Someone who who works professionally making personal appearances eg due to their resemblance to a celebrity 9 letters ???k?????...
Not making much headway with this one . Can anyone help please 5d Get at one in brown cover (6) -----n 6d Diplomatic bag? (7-4) --t---e -a-- 10a French duke in ebbing river had been pulled out (6)...
hi , have having great trouble this week 26a its not recommended to fit this device in a helicopter (7, 4) 24a how the gallantest cite this arthurian fortress (8,6) 8a This crossword number is...
"The Northampton Police report finding a man's body in the River Nene, near Becketts Park . The dead man's name will not be released until his family has been notified. The victim apparently drowned...
Letter in brackets denote is sea canal lake ect
1 oriental crockery (s)
2 drop orifice (b)
3 carrying (s)
4 treat hide for u.s uncle and stir (s)
5 mix dry a feline &me (s)...
7) breaking this may cause a blush! (7) 11) short prisoner on piece of land (8) 14) the pawn is on the sill (6) 19) coarse follows shortened article (7) 20) force leads the girl (5) 29) this shirt...
Hi Please confirm 15D) Pair as well, so to speak (2 LETTERS) T?O. I have put TWO (PAIR) ....but should it be TOO (AS WELL) I really hate these sorts of clues...I never now which one to go for...the...
4 a) Aprove a catholic getting glory (8) ???????T
26 a) Volunteers to give key to European youngster (7) T?????E
16 d) Forced to dance by English story (8) ?N??????...