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2. snake with a beam of light 6 9. you are advised not to take these 8 15. sesame street character 6 23. a place where what you say is ' supposedly OK' 2,5...
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clues would be a great help thanks 7. from the top shelf ? 6 10. nautical footwear 4,5 11. just awful ! 5 14, second class sprinters 7 24. bequiling person 10 31. no robbing with this 4 33. did these...
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Stuck on a few today! Bird ribs dish unlimited ??i? Greek character, one by river, turned to drug ????t? Taking on missing publicity for right to buy ?????? House party in Lincoln ???b? Thanks xx...
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Please help with 18 across, Reportedly charges money to get right TV host (4,7) ????/?P???E? Thank you...
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stuck on a few more... 12ac Dreamy old city in Lear's work ?????A? 18ac Reportedly charges money to get right TV host (4,7) ????/?P???E? 21ac taking on missing publicity for right to buy ?????N 19d...
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Stuck on the left hand side. Some clues may have a single letter misprint. 25 across: End of femur behind flat structure of legs (4) ?A?? 11 down: Maybe hat off this person's head defunct (5) PLA?E 13...
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Is there a dog in literature called Dionysus
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What did TV brainbox Carol Vorderman need medical treatment for recently?
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I've just booked to see her in London yeh! If you're interested in seeing Sheridan Smith on stage, tickets have gone on sale this morning for Funny Girl. This will sound like advertising I know, but...
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All answers relate to time Last few got to go tomorrow else won't get there 33 dance for a small French dog 41 she is involved with unknown mad men 58 figured to be the ideal by some women 59 fear...
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All answers relate to time 15 a cure for being in love then 24 buzz for the answer 29 a good time for us bonds this afternoon 33 dance for a small French dog 38. 5 6 7 8 9 10 39pilot leads the way to...
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fibre used to make aran 4 letters ?o?l. thank you...
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Help please with this one:- 5 D Cl ''Prone to be disguised as an artist'' (5) op?n...
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Just checked through and not 100% sure on these. Parsing not clear. 14a Maiden with troubles – mood is something hard to bear (9) MILLSTONE 25a Near time to get quiet – right to get into it? (10)...
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Ingredients or cooking utensils - You can you can't catch me (1'1, 3, 11, 3) Grid cake sounds nonsense (6) Fruit which is the answer (5) Thanks for any help...
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d and s times 448 5d. lofty aggregate providing this service (4.4) ?i?h/?a?? ( high ? )...
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Hello again, everyone! Stuck on just four this week: 1d: Shield? Caller hasn't got it (5); 2d: Show hesitation with audible disclaimer (5); 4d: Reader of lines from hymn composer missing son (7); 10a:...
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1) A tin and lots of spoons (9) C?N???L?S 2) Solemn when the figure entered I show to be wrong (6) ??L?S?
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Difficult this week !! Oddly silent, so a promoter needed for TV actress a???o? ????d?a? Japan has no right to evaporate ?????h Guided by that gal but worn out ?????e? Thanks xx...

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