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can anyone tell me how to make homus (garlicky dip-type-thing), however its spelt, from scratch?
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what can i put on my hair before straightening to make it easier
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What is the difference between The United Kingdom and Great Britain?
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Does it mean you got lucky or the opposite (you ran out of luck) I don't think its from the U.K.
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What is the name of Rachels sister played by reece Whitherspoon?
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Not a question, just a point to help people avoid mistakes and to stop getting annoyed about be correcting them. If you are writing 'in the 60's' then you DON'T NEED an apostrophe before the s - in...
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Is there any difference between 'He doesn't know any foreigin languages other than English.' and 'He doesn't know any foreign languages except English.'?
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Where is a good place to meet somebody I only know by email and how long should I wait before I suggest a meeting?
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Is there anything, legally, you can do when you're 21 that you cant do when you're 18 these days?
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Should I buy GHD hair staighteners or cheaper ones? Will the more expensive GHD ones protect my hair better, and will they work?
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What does 'hell on wheels' mean?
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My other half will be horrified if it is - he found it one of the most violent films he's ever seen.
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what is bbc channel 3 and how do you get it
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How many of them are gay? [male or female.] Isn't it reckoned to be 1 in 10? Just that I have not met many people that I knew to be homosexual, some but certainly not 1 in 10. I've even heard it is 1...
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do you think it is a true saying about paisley folk having short arms and long pockets
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A couple of weeks ago, I heard that a murder scene in Coronation Street, had a record breaking 73,000,000 viewers. How do they know how many viewers a programme has had?
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what do you think of liam gallagher? hes a legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Rut
Does anyone else out there think that Channel 4`s 'The Book Group' will be this years hit comedy?
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Could someone please help me with this? There was a Canadian film about a disruptive boy who lived with his mum and all I can really remember about it is the end, where he sits down and sets fire to,...
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Isn't this the most wonderful piece of television? Superb photography and camera work, weird and wonderful animals and, of course, the fantastic David Attenborough. I heard that this is the last of...

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