Not a question, just a point to help people avoid mistakes and to stop getting annoyed about be correcting them. If you are writing 'in the 60's' then you DON'T NEED an apostrophe before the s - in...
Is there any difference between 'He doesn't know any foreigin languages other than English.' and 'He doesn't know any foreign languages except English.'?
How many of them are gay? [male or female.] Isn't it reckoned to be 1 in 10? Just that I have not met many people that I knew to be homosexual, some but certainly not 1 in 10. I've even heard it is 1...
A couple of weeks ago, I heard that a murder scene in Coronation Street, had a record breaking 73,000,000 viewers. How do they know how many viewers a programme has had?
Could someone please help me with this? There was a Canadian film about a disruptive boy who lived with his mum and all I can really remember about it is the end, where he sits down and sets fire to,...
Isn't this the most wonderful piece of television? Superb photography and camera work, weird and wonderful animals and, of course, the fantastic David Attenborough. I heard that this is the last of...