Does this website attract the most bad-tempered users of any website on the internet? twice i have read answers saying 'use a search engine', or words to that effect, written in a bad-tempered way....
I've just heard that there are plans to do a Grease III, with all the original cast but 20 years later...............Is this true it sounds WICKED.............
I am in the throes of the most hideous jetlag imaginable. Starving at 1 a.m., still wide awake at 3 a.m., finally nodding off at 5 a.m., up at 7:30 a.m. to go to work. Please help before I give up and...
I'm really quiet at work at the moment, and if I couldn't browse through the trivia, knowledge and most often irreverence of the stuff on this website I'd probably go mad.what would all you regulars...
Can anyone recommend some films they have seen recently, It would be good if one was a horror? I normally get two DVD's every Saturday night so I've seen loads! Ta
Why do old people never hold their line when walking down the street? You try and overtake but then you are forced to sidestep at high speed thus causing a 'path-bottleneck'? It wouldn't be allowed on...
Will an ordinary travel adapter be enough to use my hairdrier in the States, or do I need some sort of transformer gadget-y thing because of the difference in voltage?