I got 2 beautiful young cats from a rescue centre about a 6 weeks ago. They have had all their jabs and have been 'done' and now are ready to go outside. I'm terrified! Will they come back in? What is...
Does anyone know of any new drink concoctions for getting sloshed ,a new one I tried was a turbo shandy it consists of half a alager and a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and is disgusting but rocket fuel
My co-worker insists that 'practice' is the correct UK spelling for the verb with 'practise' being the US spelling. I thought it was the other way 'round, though I admit that I use 'practice' - I just...
[A rumour is a rumour and as such, discussing it in sucha public forum can occasionally have legal consequences. Best removed from this site, please - AB Editor]
I reckon if they brought back a few of the old popular characters, they could get back a lot of the lost audience. Bring back Barry Grant, Mick Johnson, Sinbad, the lot of 'em. And boot out the...
Incitatus? Is he contributing under an assumed name, is he off travelling the world ? la bobbobley, or has he fallen out with everyone? Does anyone know?
It wasn't exactly fine literature but in 'How to lose friends and alienate people' Toby Young wrote about a 'supermodel' who had a relationship with one of Toby's friends. She famously turned round...
How incredibily brilliant is that film?
anyway, anyone know where i can get a long jacket like the ones they were? Bear in mind im 16, so i cant afford much. im meaning like ?30? is it possible?
What do you suppose are the chances of two Answerbank regulars actually knowing each other, even though they don't know they know each other? Wouldn't it be a spooky coincidence if the spellmaster and...
Anyone fancy a night out? If enough people are interested, it may be possible to organise such a function. Location and date would have to be planned well in advance.
My Aunt is coming over from the US soon, and she's asked us what we would like as a little present. Can anyone think of something that wouldn't cost very much, but that I could only get from America?