Im doing a presentation at college on one hit wonders. Which artists do you remeber as a one hit wonder, need to get the best 5 together. We are then going on to say what they are doing now. Thanks
Hi, My son who is 5 years old has asked if he can join a martial arts group. I went along to our local martial arts school to watch, it seems very good and I think it could do wonders for my son. Im...
Im joining uni in Sept to do Primary Education Early Years. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this course recently and could give me a bit of feed back on it, like how long the hours are,...
Me and my 2 friends need to do a presentation at college. We've been told it can be on anything, Any ideas???? Other friends are doing chocolate and tropical fruit so they can offer samples of the...
Who sings the backing song in the Kingsmill advert. Love bread. My mate thinks it Bob Dylan i not sure. Advert on this link e=TA2580&advertiser=Kingsmill...
Ive just recievd my blood test results back from a food intolernece test i did, it has come back saying that i have got a Yeast intolernece. Im wanting to find out a bit more about what i can and can...
Hiya Ive got my broadband with NTL and ive got a lap top, where do i get a wireless connector from? Ive tried PC world but i dont know which one i would need. Thanks
My 5 year old dosnet cover his nose when he sneezes, ive tried telling him that it spreads germs when he dosent cover his nose. What can i do to remind him without nagging him Thanks
Hi Im doing my Maths GCSE at college and my exam is in June. Im going on holiday the 1st week and im worried this will be the same week as the exam. My tutor can not tell me that date as he dosent...
Im wanting to go away for the weekend with my friends (girls) in March, any ideas where i can go. It will ahve to be in this country and i live in Leeds but dont mind driving quite far.