The regulator that checks BBC spending has paid out more than £3million for its own new offices, it was revealed today. The new base for the BBC Trust is a stone's throw from the broadcaster's...
into how many Enquiries we have. Bloody Sunday Enquiry The use of public inquiries by Tony Blair During his six years in office, the Prime Minister has perfected the use of the public inquiry as a...
Dont worry the licence payers will foot the bill Last month the BBC's creative director Alan Yentob, who gets £183,000 and a six-figure pension from the BBC, claimed he would not be able to work...
The BBC was accused of making a mockery of public sector spending cuts as it announced that three new executives would get pay packets vastly in excess of the Prime Minister’s salary. The BBC...
There's nothing like a vicar's sympathetic ear in times of trouble. They can help deal with a death in the family, a marriage on the rocks or teenagers running wild. And in the worst case scenario,...