I was lent a porn dvd which they have informed me is hard core, the guy who has lent it me said it is right up my street. My dilemna is should i watch it and risk recognising one of my neighbours (...
hi, heard on the news today that d cameron et al are thinking of making it so a council house is not for life - people would be given a fixed term then reviewed, so for instance if they started...
Can some please advise In the past few days I have received repeated calls from 061249453505 - concerning claims. The caller wishes me to confirm my identity (I don't know where they got my name from...
stuck on last one:- 26d Type of brown sauce based on shallots mushrooms herbs and white wine served with poultry or game. Many Thanks for any help I expect I will kick myself when I know the answer...
Moats uncle, a guns expert and former Army Royal Artillery officer, Charlie Alexander, saw his body in the hospital mortuary and claims there was not a scratch on him from the neck upwards. He is...
There's some drivel about wedding planning ona an American programme, the couple of which are brits, one english and one scottish. Why do british people sound different when on programmesor even films...
Given that this programme is aired at 1:45 Mon - Fri, and that some of its storylines have involved, for example, overt homosexuality, both male and female, is it the kind of viewing which should be...
http://tinyurl.com/3xnqsmm Looks like TROP are up to their usual tricks. No doubt the standard Islam apoligists will be justifying the stoning. Is this a chance for islam to improve their image by...
Yet another kiddie fiddler has managed to ply his evil trade and has been able to groom at least one more innocent child right under its mother's nose. He has been "severely punished" with a...
24d French culinary term, prepared or served with almonds.(8) (?m?n??n?) 26d LINE on a map connecting points with the same numerical values for a meteorological feature such as temperature or air...